ParticleDAO Purpose Statement (Part 2)

I mistakenly posted an alternative version of this purpose statement in the previous forum post here:

This was my mistake. Thanks to everyone who commented in the prior post. I thought it best to reshare this as a dedicated post to provide maximum clarity on the document. Below is the original purpose statement drafted by the Genesis crew. You can also see a diff between the two versions here. I’m optimistic that we can find consensus on this as there seemed to be only a few points of disagreement on the previous version posted.

The DAO’s purpose is to

  1. Represent the Community’s interest in democratized and distributed access, participation, responsible stewardship, and a heartfelt connection with art
  2. Empower the Community by giving them the responsibility and power to vote on actions that will radically change how people own, collect, experience, and ultimately enjoy art.
  3. Act as a conduit to bridge the non-profit, for-profit, and artists’ interests in the Particle Ecosystem through an engaged and dedicated community
  4. Partner with Particle, the Foundation, and Artists on developing a world-class, revolutionary, and creative ecosystem in a mutually beneficial manner
  5. Work to enhance the value to the Community, the assets it represents, and the collections it obtains
  6. Focus on the pursuit of Community driven ideas and projects that bring value to Particle holders
  7. Help make the joyful pursuit of collecting and displaying fine art accessible to a wider range of people
  8. Develop an engaging, informative, and educational Community that creates a highly-desirable ecosystem for art lovers and NFT enthusiasts alike
  9. Make a positive impact on our Community, the Public, and the Arts
  10. Put genuine and concerted efforts toward altruistic pursuits that help underserved communities to share in the experience of fine art

How does the community feel about this articulation of the DAOs purpose?

  • Yes - Great purpose statement!
  • Getting close but needs more work (please comment)
  • No - Not good at all (please comment)
0 voters
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Thanks for posting this. Hope we can get some community feedback on what to improve here as soon as possible. To @0x007 s earlier points, getting these details out of the way should give us a path toward building more important day to day solutions.


I am happy with this and would be OK giving it my vote

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Looking forward to ratifying this and moving to the good stuff

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